Bæredygtighedsrelaterede oplysninger

Danske Invests tilgang til ansvarlige investeringer er understøttet af tydelige politikker, instrukser, retningslinjer og rapportering. På denne side finder du relevant dokumentation om vores tilgang og rammerne for vores arbejde.

Politikker og instrukser

27.11.2024 Active Ownership Policy
07.11.2024 Exclusion Instruction
07.11.2024 Inclusion Instruction
17.04.2024 Remuneration policy in Danske Invest Management A/S
27.02.2024 Responsible Investment Policy of Danske Invest Management A/S
12.05.2024 Voting guidelines for Danske Bank

Erklæringer (PAI statements)

Erklæring om investeringsbeslutningers vigtigste negative indvirkninger på bæredygtighedsfaktorer (Principal Adverse Impact Statement)

30.06.2024 Principal Adverse Impact Statement - Danske Invest Management A/S

Rapporter om aktivt ejerskab

01.06.2023 Active Ownership Instruction
25.04.2022 Active Ownership Report 2021
20.04.2023 Active Ownership Report 2022
14.05.2024 Active Ownership Report 2023
26.09.2022 Active Ownership Report H1 2022
18.10.2023 Active Ownership Report H1 2023


19.04.2023 Danske Bank Sustainable Investment Houseview and SDG model
30.12.2022 Statement on the integration of sustainability risks in decision processes
07.11.2024 Sustainability Risk Integration Instruction

Sustainability-related investment restrictions

Danske Invest’s funds have various sustainability-related investment restrictions. You can get an overview of the fund restrictions here.

Fondspecifikke dokumenter (Fund specific documents)

To find the specific fund documents (e.g. factsheet, prospectus, KID, annual report, sustainability-related disclosures) for the funds available for sale in your market, please look under the menu option “Our funds”.


You can also find the fund documents for all Danske Invest funds at danskeinvest.com 

Please note that not all of the listed funds are available for sale in your market.